Monday, September 24, 2012


2012-8-30 一份官方报告显示---就业机会增多、人口增加、低利率将会支撑消费者对卡尔加里公寓市场的需求。报告同时也指出权衡当地收入情况,卡尔加里的房价仍然是八大城市中能够承受的起的。
2009年经济衰退以来,尽管2011年新公寓市场一路滑落, 但是目前卡尔加里的新公寓市场复苏地不错。同时,开发商的尾盘也陆陆续续被买家吸收。卡尔加里春天的房市总是一片繁荣,所以公寓市场也如火如荼,紧接着的2个季度销售则明显下滑。

目前市场上的可售房源仍保持比前几年低的水平,我们期待在未来两年里陆续消化。 这些都源于卡尔加里经济的复苏、以及需求的上升。报告指出卡尔加里公寓2012年期待挂牌量升至4年来的新高点2,373单元,预计比2011年涨 15.5 %,但是2013年挂牌量预计将会降至2,099 单元。

报告对比了加拿大八大城市,预计卡尔加里2012年成交量为3555单元,比2011年涨3.8%; 2013年成交量为3621,比2012年涨1.9%。而2012年成交均价预计为$239,445,涨幅0.9%,  2013年年成交均价预计为$246,414,涨幅2.9%



Sunday, September 23, 2012


0-11 Rank Rank in the most recent five years School Name 2010-11 Rating Rating in the most recent five years
1/276 1/243 Rundle College 10 10
1/276 3/243 Webber 10 9.8
4/276 4/243 West Island College 9.7 9.6
8/276 6/243 Sir Winston Churchill 8.9 9
8/276 7/243 Springbank 8.9 8.8
8/276 7/243 Western Canada 8.9 8.8
11/276 n/a Bearspaw Christian 8.8 n/a
14/276 51/243 National Sport 8.4 7.2
18/276 13/243 Westmount 8.2 8.1
21/276 13/243 William Aberhart 8.1 8.1
29/276 51/243 Calgary Christian 7.9 7.2
33/276 20/243 Dr. E. P. Scarlett 7.8 7.8
35/276 24/243 Master's Academy 7.7 7.7
35/276 36/243 Foundations for the Future 7.7 7.4
40/276 24/243 John G Diefenbaker 7.6 7.7
45/276 24/243 St. Francis 7.5 7.7
45/276 29/243 Queen Elizabeth 7.5 7.6
45/276 n/a Rundle College Academy 7.5 n/a
50/276 46/243 Henry Wise Wood 7.4 7.3
58/276 83/243 Centennial 7.3 6.7
64/276 65/243 Heritage Christian 7.2 7
64/276 121/243 Foothills Academy 7.2 6.2
77/276 73/243 Bishop O'Byrne 7 6.9
84/276 36/243 Edge School 6.9 7.4
95/276 89/243 Bishop Grandin 6.7 6.6
101/276 83/243 St. Mary's 6.6 6.7
101/276 121/243 Bowness 6.6 6.2
110/276 51/243 Bishop Carroll 6.5 7.2
126/276 159/243 Calgary Academy 6.3 5.7
133/276 159/243 Notre Dame 6.2 5.7
139/276 121/243 Chestermere 6.1 6.2
139/276 121/243 Lord Beaverbrook 6.1 6.2
147/276 111/243 Central Memorial 6 6.3
161/276 198/243 Crescent Heights 5.7 5.1
182/276 145/243 Ernest Manning 5.4 5.9
182/276 171/243 Lester B. Pearson 5.4 5.6
211/276 n/a Mountain View Academy 5 n/a
224/276 222/243 Father Lacombe 4.6 4.4
253/276 233/243 Forest Lawn 3.7 3.4
257/276 231/243 Bishop McNally 3.6 4.1
266/276 235/243 James Fowler 2.9 3
268/276 242/243 Juno Beach 2.8 0.8
273/276 n/a Int'l School of Excellence 0 n/a

Friday, September 21, 2012

New Homes in Quarry Park Calgary

Quarry Park in SE Calgary was an area worn down over time by industry and eventually was no longer used as a gravel site. After the area became free for development the city and developers were left questioning what to do with the area. This is when Remington Development Corporation did well by stepping in and taking charge.

Lafarge was the former owner of the gravel quarry, a company that Remington Development Corporation had a relationship with through their own commercial real estate endeavors. Remington was looking to step out of strictly commercial and venture into residential developments where they could truly integrate commercial and residential into a community with a seamless design. Quarry Park’s riverfront property and close proximity to the future south east LRT was too good of an opportunity to pass up! Now transformed by Remington Development Corporation into an eco-friendly, innovative neighbourhood, Quarry Park has become a popular destination for people looking to buy a new home in Calgary.

Quarry Park is Eco-Friendly

  • Features multiple LEED certified buildings in its centrally located, European town style market. LEED certification is not an easy thing to come by and has many rigorous requirements of buildings before they are given this prestigious certification
  • Any old constituents of the quarry such as asphalt, aggregate and concrete were used in the new development of the SE riverside community, reducing the environmental footprint left by the developer during construction.
  • An innovative, storm water filtration system has been added to waterways found within the community to clean any storm water before releasing it back into the Bow River
One of the main purposes of the developer is to make the community a walk-able, connected community where residents don’t necessarily have to rely on cars to get around. Not only is there a future LRT terminal planned in the neighbourhood, it is also connected to several hundred kilometers of pathways found on the embankments of the Bow and Elbow Rivers and main recreational areas such as Fish Creek Provincial Park.

This community has it all! An inherently eco-friendly, riverside community with endless recreational opportunities and less than a twenty minute drive to downtown Calgary, it’s no wonder its homes are highly sought after on today’s market!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

购买卡尔加里豪宅- 5个答疑FAQ


1 – 准备购买社区的条条框框(主要指郊区的别墅社区)
很多富于社区的Home Owner Association 设有不少条条框框,请确保购买之前已经有所了解!

2 – 您准备购买房屋所在街是否是什么现存问题?

3 – 准备购买的房屋是否同时是个非常好的投资?

4 – 该房屋是否坐落在您家想住的地方?
仔细问问自己,您是否在市中心工作,想拥有离单位更近的,但是占地稍小的INNER CITY INFILL社区?还是想找找田园的感觉、住在边缘的Aspen Woods Springbank Hill,同时也交通方便。

5 – 您梦想宅邸应该拥有那些特点?

MLS系统 2005 – 2011年度豪宅成交纪录

  • 2005 – 142
  • 2006 – 339
  • 2007 – 462
  • 2008 – 371
  • 2009 – 340
  • 2010 – 367
  • 2011 – 448

Monday, September 17, 2012








Saturday, September 15, 2012

购买Inner City Infill新房的十大要素


Friday, September 14, 2012


坐落在落基山脉脚下的卡尔加里是加拿大阿尔伯塔省新西部的核心,是Bow River Elbow River交汇处。因为我们的独特地理位置,Chinook风吹来,我们就会有很多暖洋洋的冬日。事实上,我们的光照平均天数远远高于国内其它城市。下面是很多人喜欢卡尔加里的原因,我希望你也能找出自己的原因。

  1. 卡尔加里经济是全国表现最好的城市,形形色色的行业包括能源、金融、制造、运输、高科技、影视等等。
  2. 卡尔加里没有省税、个人收入税构架也相对有优势
  3. 卡尔加里被 Globe and Mail评为加拿大最佳工作城市,被 Today’s Parent 杂志评为加拿大最适合家庭居住五大城市之一,近期又被排名全球最适合居住城市之第五名。
  4. 更毋庸提及一个半小时之内就能抵达的落基山脉、Banff国家公园。
  5. 卡尔加里是全球惟有的三个没有老鼠的地区。(应该是数量相当低的三个区域之一吧。我就在老房子逮过老鼠。)
  6. 卡尔加里人可以全年365天,一天24小时走进医院,享受免费诊断。(我 怎么就听说很多检查都排了很久很久呢;实在等不急的,干脆就死了算了。看来凡事都是相对的,人家强调的是“不花钱,就能看病。”)
  7. 卡尔加里拥有大大小小500多公园、野生动物观测点、自行车骑车道和爬山小路。
  8. 卡尔加里拥有加拿大41%20-44岁年轻人口,平均年龄仅36!
  9. 卡尔加里是北美城市土地面积最大的城市之一
  10. 加拿大最高的人均收入城市,是全国人均百万富豪最多的城市!
  11. 是加拿大总部公司最多的第二大城市,是人均总部公司最多的第一大城市!
  12. Largest plus 15 network in North America
想知道什么是 plus 15 network,请看下面链接
  1. 亚省拥有全国最多的高尔夫球场
  2. 卡尔加里拥有600多处湖,是水上爱好者的乐园
  3. 拥有北美最长的行人步道系统
  4. 加拿大拥有的石油资源位居世界第三名,而这些资源97%来源于亚省。
  5. 卡尔加里人拥有住房数量比例全国最高
  6. 加拿大人生活质量仅次于丹麦,尽管我们拥有更多的土地及数不尽的资源。(这和卡尔加里也沾边?毕竟,我们是全国五大城市之一。)
  1. 加拿大高等教育注册比例全球最高
  2. 加拿大拥有世界上9%的再生水资源(这应该往前排名次)
  3. 世界上伟大的盛事之一---牛仔节Calgary Stampede!(这也算啊?你别说,这几天收音机上讲过了,GOOGLE搜索卡尔加里市排名第一的是STAMPEDE。牛啊!)
  4. 卡尔加里志愿者数量全国最高。(有钱了,多做善事也轻松啊。)
  5. 卡尔加里是世界上生活健康、居住安全的几大城市之一。(也是,这两天全市才产生了今年第十起谋杀案,那还是打架斗殴住院一年后,一病不复还的。)
  6. 我们的城市盛产农业产品,牛肉、麦子、大麦等等。世界闻名。
  7. YYC,卡尔加里机场正在兴建加拿大最长的飞机跑道、最高的主控塔。是加纳大几大繁忙机场城市之一!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


大家注意红色字体是公立 学校,恐怕会有几个漏了的:),看来每年度排名还是有些变化的,有的上来了,如Nellie McClung、Hillhurst, Rosedale,有的往后缩了几名,如Olympic Heights等等。

010-11 Rank Rank in the most recent five years School Name 2010-11 Rating Rating in the most recent five years
1/665 1/523 Webber 10 9.9
3/665 13/523 Nellie McClung 9.8 9
5/665 9/523 Westmount 9.7 9.1
7/665 9/523 Calgary French & International 9.4 9.1
9/665 4/523 Clear Water Academy 9.3 9.3
9/665 9/523 Master's Academy 9.3 9.1
12/665 9/523 Hillhurst 9.2 9.1
12/665 21/523 St. Philip 9.2 8.7
14/665 3/523 Sunalta 9.1 9.4
14/665 6/523 Rundle College 9.1 9.2
18/665 87/523 St. Luke 9 7.6
21/665 n/a Rosedale 8.9 n/a
22/665 17/523 Glenmore Christian 8.8 8.8
26/665 21/523 Trinity Christian  8.7 8.7
26/665 27/523 Edgemont 8.7 8.5
26/665 32/523 Calgary Jewish Academy 8.7 8.3
26/665 n/a St. Joan of Arc 8.7 n/a
32/665 17/523 Elbow Park 8.6 8.8
32/665 27/523 Alex Ferguson 8.6 8.5
32/665 96/523 Sainte Marguerite Bourgeoys 8.6 7.5
42/665 21/523 Dr. E. W. Coffin 8.4 8.7
42/665 43/523 Our Lady of Peace 8.4 8.1
49/665 17/523 St. Vincent De Paul 8.3 8.8
49/665 32/523 Jennie Elliott 8.3 8.3
49/665 87/523 St. Jude 8.3 7.6
49/665 124/523 Woodbine 8.3 7.2
57/665 43/523 Bearspaw Christian 8.2 8.1
57/665 57/523 St. Maria Goretti 8.2 7.9
61/665 47/523 Olympic Heights 8.1 8
61/665 47/523 St. Ambrose 8.1 8
61/665 112/523 St. Sylvester 8.1 7.3
61/665 n/a St. Jerome 8.1 n/a
67/665 47/523 Earl Grey 8 8
67/665 77/523 Calgary Waldorf 8 7.7
67/665 106/523 Holy Angels 8 7.4
67/665 137/523 Calgary Arts Academy 8 7.1
67/665 n/a Christ the King 8 n/a
77/665 27/523 Rideau Park 7.9 8.5
77/665 57/523 Red Deer Lake 7.9 7.9
77/665 57/523 St. Elizabeth Seton 7.9 7.9
77/665 77/523 Hawkwood 7.9 7.7
77/665 77/523 St. Brigid 7.9 7.7
77/665 182/523 Simons Valley 7.9 6.8
91/665 43/523 Prince of Wales 7.8 8.1
91/665 47/523 Calgary Christian  7.8 8
91/665 57/523 Fish Creek 7.8 7.9
91/665 68/523 Dalhousie 7.8 7.8
91/665 n/a Foundations for the Future 7.8 n/a
103/665 68/523 John Costello 7.7 7.8
103/665 87/523 Silver Springs 7.7 7.6
103/665 124/523 Heritage Christian 7.7 7.2
103/665 n/a Light of Christ 7.7 n/a
115/665 57/523 St. Cecilia 7.6 7.9
115/665 284/523 St. Clare 7.6 6
115/665 n/a St. Andrew 7.6 n/a
131/665 57/523 Marion Carson 7.5 7.9
131/665 112/523 Chinook Park 7.5 7.3
131/665 164/523 Glamorgan 7.5 6.9
131/665 203/523 Captain John Palliser 7.5 6.7
131/665 n/a Mount View 7.5 n/a
145/665 164/523 Holy Name 7.4 6.9
145/665 n/a Altadore 7.4 n/a
145/665 n/a Battalion Park 7.4 n/a
145/665 n/a Sunnyside 7.4 n/a
145/665 n/a Terre des Jeunes 7.4 n/a
157/665 112/523 Westgate 7.3 7.3
157/665 n/a Terrace Road 7.3 n/a
168/665 57/523 Cardinal Newman 7.2 7.9
168/665 96/523 Monsignor J. J. O'Brien 7.2 7.5
168/665 106/523 Father Doucet 7.2 7.4
168/665 124/523 Haultain Memorial 7.2 7.2
168/665 137/523 St. Joseph 7.2 7.1
168/665 n/a Our Lady of the Evergreens 7.2 n/a
168/665 n/a St. Basil  7.2 n/a
185/665 137/523 King George 7.1 7.1
185/665 241/523 University 7.1 6.4
185/665 n/a Capitol Hill 7.1 n/a
200/665 87/523 St. Pius X 7 7.6
200/665 164/523 Monsignor J. S. Smith 7 6.9
200/665 216/523 Ranchlands 7 6.6
200/665 n/a Dr. J. K. Mulloy 7 n/a
200/665 n/a Khalsa 7 n/a
200/665 n/a St. Margaret 7 n/a
220/665 137/523 St. James 6.9 7.1
220/665 216/523 Almadina 6.9 6.6
220/665 249/523 North Haven 6.9 6.3
220/665 n/a Our Lady of the Assumption 6.9 n/a
230/665 57/523 Mother Mary Greene 6.8 7.9
242/665 151/523 Monsignor A. J. Hetherington 6.7 7
242/665 203/523 Woodlands 6.7 6.7
262/665 182/523 St. Dominic 6.6 6.8
262/665 203/523 Ascension of Our Lord 6.6 6.7
262/665 n/a St. Sebastian 6.6 n/a
275/665 164/523 St. Gerard 6.5 6.9
275/665 203/523 Bearspaw 6.5 6.7
275/665 203/523 St. Albert the Great 6.5 6.7
275/665 241/523 Banff Trail 6.5 6.4
292/665 77/523 Briar Hill 6.4 7.7
292/665 182/523 Our Lady of Fatima 6.4 6.8
292/665 268/523 Langevin 6.4 6.1
292/665 n/a Huntington Hills 6.4 n/a
312/665 47/523 West Dalhousie 6.3 8
312/665 151/523 Sundance 6.3 7
312/665 n/a Elboya 6.3 n/a
312/665 n/a Menno Simons Christian  6.3 n/a
325/665 257/523 Glendale 6.2 6.2
341/665 284/523 Braeside 6.1 6
341/665 358/523 St. Bede 6.1 5.5
341/665 n/a St. Cyril 6.1 n/a
359/665 379/523 Cambrian Heights 6 5.3
375/665 216/523 Queen Elizabeth 5.9 6.6
375/665 249/523 Belvedere Parkway 5.9 6.3
375/665 n/a Father Scollen 5.9 n/a
375/665 n/a St. Martha 5.9 n/a
395/665 124/523 Varsity Acres 5.8 7.2
395/665 n/a St. Matthew 5.8 n/a
408/665 203/523 W. O. Mitchell 5.7 6.7
408/665 473/523 Mayland Heights 5.7 4
415/665 151/523 Mother Teresa of Calcutta 5.6 7
415/665 182/523 Monsignor Neville Anderson 5.6 6.8
430/665 106/523 Father James Whelihan 5.5 7.4
440/665 284/523 Wildwood 5.4 6
440/665 317/523 Louis Riel 5.4 5.8
440/665 n/a Indus 5.4 n/a
440/665 n/a Prince of Peace Lutheran 5.4 n/a
455/665 401/523 Monterey Park 5.3 5.1
463/665 268/523 St. Alphonsus 5.2 6.1
475/665 n/a Haysboro 5.1 n/a
485/665 370/523 Colonel J. Fred Scott 5 5.4
485/665 379/523 Belfast 5 5.3
485/665 493/523 St. Patrick 5 3.4
499/665 421/523 Crossing Park 4.9 4.9
499/665 455/523 Chief Justice Milvain 4.9 4.5
509/665 304/523 John XXIII 4.8 5.9
509/665 317/523 Midnapore 4.8 5.8
509/665 428/523 Blessed Damien 4.8 4.8
514/665 440/523 St. Wilfrid 4.7 4.7
514/665 462/523 Grant MacEwan 4.7 4.3
514/665 n/a Cedarbrae 4.7 n/a
521/665 216/523 Calgary Islamic 4.6 6.6
521/665 421/523 Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha 4.6 4.9
521/665 487/523 Rundle 4.6 3.6
521/665 n/a St. Michael 4.6 n/a
537/665 413/523 St. Rupert 4.5 5
537/665 487/523 Annie Foote 4.5 3.6
537/665 n/a Bridlewood 4.5 n/a
546/665 387/523 Ethel M. Johnson 4.4 5.2
546/665 479/523 John Paul II 4.4 3.9
546/665 n/a Thorncliffe 4.4 n/a
557/665 387/523 Deer Run 4.3 5.2
557/665 455/523 Catherine Nichols Gunn 4.3 4.5
557/665 462/523 Bowcroft 4.3 4.3
557/665 n/a Roland Michener 4.3 n/a
568/665 448/523 Highwood 4.2 4.6
573/665 428/523 Penbrooke Meadows 4.1 4.8
581/665 473/523 Pineridge 4 4
583/665 448/523 Alex Munro 3.9 4.6
588/665 n/a St. Mark 3.7 n/a
588/665 n/a Vista Heights 3.7 n/a
599/665 401/523 Riverbend 3.5 5.1
606/665 n/a Connaught 3.4 n/a
606/665 n/a Taradale 3.4 n/a
614/665 522/523 Erin Woods 3.1 1.7
623/665 509/523 Cappy Smart 2.9 2.7
625/665 462/523 St. Thomas More 2.8 4.3
625/665 503/523 Guy Weadick 2.8 2.9
625/665 523/523 Holy Redeemer 2.8 1.4
629/665 495/523 Cecil Swanson 2.7 3.2
632/665 462/523 Falconridge 2.6 4.3
635/665 505/523 O. S. Geiger 2.4 2.8
635/665 n/a Ecole francophone public du nord-est de Calgary 2.4 n/a
638/665 483/523 Glenbrook 2.3 3.8
642/665 505/523 Patrick Airlie 2.1 2.8
643/665 462/523 Douglas Harkness 2 4.3
643/665 n/a Rosscarrock 2 n/a
647/665 514/523 West Dover 1.9 2.2
652/665 518/523 Valley View 1.5 2.1
654/665 501/523 Marlborough 1.3 3
658/665 514/523 Abbeydale 1 2.2
662/665 510/523 Keeler 0 2.5